Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If Only

I was talking with Keith, another of the guys starting up with me, and we were just kind of talking about entrepreneurship in general and, in particular, all those things that you totally could have done yourself if only you'd thought of it.

Jackson Pollock is a great example of this. Everyone looks at his artwork and says, "Well, gee whiz… I can do that!"

I just did a quick search for a link to job your memory - but, you know, amazingly, I couldn't find one that had some good high quality renditions of his famously splattered paintings. You can read about him on wikipedia, or, better yet, click here to have your own Jackson Pollock experience (just click your mouse to change colors). Kinda fun. Get those screen shot keys ready and you can make your own artsy screen-saver.

Anyway - the example that we got caught up on, since it also had its roots on the web, was the Million Dollar Homepage. The basic premise was that this guy, Alex Tew, 21-years-old, made a homepage that hosted an image, 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels (one million pixels total). For the price of only $1/pixel, you could buy space on his page to advertise. Because he got so much attention - people went to the site - and people wanted to get their name on it.

Well, gee whiz… a page with a one million pixel image? I can do that!

Of course that's not the point. He had the idea - and it was worth one-million dollars.

Anyway - we're getting ready to launch (I hope that the next post I have up here is an announcement of that) and we've been going over our possible plans and rates and how we're actually going to make this into a viable business… so I got to thinking about entrepreneurship and remembered our conversation from a few weeks back.

If anyone is reading this (IS anyone reading this?) and you have ideas about plans and (realistic) prices you'd like to see offered we're more than happy to field those ideas.

Or if you just want to pass along a million-dollar idea, we'll happily take that as well.


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